Monday, September 22, 2008

AT&T decreased the price on their DSL packages. Limited time.

Great news: AT&T has decreased the price on the DSL 768K in 22 states (IL, IN, OH, MI, WI, AR, KS, MO, OK, TX, CT, CA, NV, AL, MI, LS, KY, TN, GA, FL, NC, and SC)! Also DSL Basic will cost $14.99/month through 12/31/08 in 13 states (IL, IN, OH, MI, WI, AR, KS, MO, OK, TX, CT, CA and NV) and FastAccess DSL Lite will cost $14.99/month through 10/31/08 in 9 states (AL, MI, LS, KY, TN, GA, FL, NC, and SC)!
Read more on our DSL page on website or simply click the banner below.

AT&T High Speed Internet

All AT&T Internet plans include Firewall software, anti-virus software, SpamGuard, Pop-up blocker, Webmail and Dial-up account. Complimentary Wi-Fi at thousands of hot spots, including most Starbucks. 24 month price guarantee with no term contract. Some plans qualify for $100 Cash Back when ordered online and Free Gateway or Modem.

Thank you for reading ChooseISP Blog.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

BellSouth FastAccess DSL has been dealing with all Internet Service Providers for a long time now but it only happen this week that we started listing BellSouth and mainly, their FastAccess(r) DSL.

BellSouth Fast Access DSL plans:

FastAccess DSL Lite
*From 14.95/month *Up to 5x fast than standard dial-up *Great for frequent web surfing

FastAccess DSL Ultra
* $32.95/month * Up to 25x faster than standard dial-up * Great for downloading photos and music

FastAccess DSL
*$37.95/month *Up to 50x faster than standard dial-up *Great for online gaming and streaming video *Free HomeNetworking Plus ($5/month value)

FastAccess DSL Xtreme 6.0
* Now only $42.95/month (was $46.95/month) * Up to 100x faster than standard dial-up, our fastest Internet connection * HomeNetworking Plus and BellSouth® Premium Internet Security Suite are FREE ($10/mo value) * Free HomeNetworking Plus: 4PCs can surf wirelessly in home, enjoy online gaming, send pictures/video from PC to TV (with TiVo) * Free BellSouth Premium Internet Security Suite: ensures safe and secure Internet experience (anti-virus, firewall and anti-spyware)

Visit the brand new webpage: or click on the banner below to go directly to the hot FastAccess DSL promotions page.

Thank you!